THE MERRY WIDOW / Vesela udovica


05 feb 2024


19:30 - 21:30

THE MERRY WIDOW / Vesela udovica

Who is a mystical widow Hanna Glawari, why everybody wants her attention and her money, why her old love, Count Danilo Danilovitsch, does not want to tell her that he loves her and what does the king of Montenegro have to do with it and a scandalous fan as well – you will find out in the greatest operetta spectacle of the region – THE MERRY WIDOW!
Komična priča o bogatoj udovici Hani Glavari i pokušajima njenih zemljaka da joj nađu novog supruga, ali takvog da njeno nasleđeno bogatstvo ostane u kneževini Montenegro!
Igraju: Branislava Podrumac, Vasa Stajkić, Žarko Stepanov, Nevena Đoković, Marko Živković, Đorđe Stojković, Ljuba Popović, Anja Orelj, Predrag Miletić, Mirjana Stojanović, Vladimir Bulatović, Milena Moravčević, Milan Tubić, Arsenije Tubić,
Dirigent: Vesna Šouc
Reditelj: Robert Bošković

The event is finished.